Well the world keeps going and our issues still exist some get resolved, some create new issues, and others get knocked to the bottom of the list. So what happens now? We exist in a survival mode only era, it almost seem like mankind has lost it love towards the human race. As the clock ticks creating life and sustaining it is no longer at the top of the list, death seems to be on the menu at all times, you yearn for some positive views. Although very few exist and then by the end of the message or article the person has expressed so many views you don't know what to choose from the negative seed has been planted. So what happens now? Joy, was one moment people yearned for and sharing it with others now you have to evaluate ones motive before getting on board. The times of people working together are few and usually a catastrophe brings people closer, there are others that were raised to help or think of others they just operate in the background. I try whenever possible to have a positive outlook, hope is still the source to many, take for instance racial incidents, senseless killings, political corruption, illegal activities that cost lots for many. When answering the question so what happens now? I try to think about what I could do to make a difference in a positive light and help change the way I do things. Happiness comes when I see the results have an outcome that helped or resolved whatever the situation was, not needing the recognition but enjoying the idea of doing something resulting as productive. No, life is not always a happy, kick your heels up journey, but you have to keep things in a positive prospective to have a healthy mindset. So I say to all those that like to complain and debate certain issues after all that energy you used ask yourself so what happens now? Especially, things concerning you directly, and even issues that are not directed towards you, changes would happen if we put time and effort into issues taking steps.We recognize the problem, so lets take the steps to approach and process solutions. I said solutions because some issues have branches that need to be solved to get to the source, because our world is not perfect it takes many positive mindsets to take things head on. My personal wish is for many to develop that mindset hoping the youth and those it will affect will follow suit, these are my personal thoughts when it comes to the demand for addressing and resolving issues we are presented with daily.