Talkin Talkin 2me......

Talkin Talkin  2me......
Thoughts go here and there.... mostly there.

Saturday, December 3, 2016

That time of year again..........

Well it's that time of year again, with all the chaos people struggle to find even a little bit of happiness. I went through the motions and then it was over, holiday events are like quick fixes where everyone smiles until their face hurts and then pray they don't snap on the next person who gets on their nerves. I call it a distraction, even though there are pleasant moments, like watching the expressions of little kids excited about holiday events.  I am guilty of loving holiday decor, funny to see people put them up too. I don't care for holiday madness, the rudeness, fighting in stores for items that really aren't on sale.  All year people are hungry and need clothing and housing, what's sad is no one cares until the holidays when b they can be seen giving. I don't know what's worse purple ignoring the poor until the holiday or giving crumbs to write it off at tax time.  Anyways, I think the holidays isolate people and don't really make everyone feel great. I guess it depends on how you look at it, for me I wish it did have something for everyone in it but it doesn't.  I am staying focused on my business plan, making every effort not to get caught up in the hoopla. Best wishes to those who do that you survive the season.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Relax and have that glass of wine..

Well I tried to stay on top of this, back in the saddle though, work load shifted now I will have time. This time I am relaxing doing a little reflecting on time I give to myself, thinking about those that have impacted my life this past year or two. I'm not going to lie it's be rough, I feel now as if I shorted myself out of some joy. I've been on a establish my self worth path, I have a very wonderful friend to thank for that insight. Funny, you can go through life thinking everything is great and it's not, wore out from doing for others, getting taken advantage of, exhausting it is, and now I see what is going, or I let it slip away. Well now I am at the beginning stage, taking it one day at a time, dealing with my regrets, trying to get past so much loss. I will do it but I will pay a bit hefty price. I lift my glass to those who got it together, very who knows their worth and are living life to the fullest.